Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | document OCR: HIGHLY ACCLAIMED BY THE MEDIA TOP OF THE LEAGUE To begin with, and common to all 10 out of 10 packages, two features elevate them to the top of the educational software league. Firstly the manual comes in two forms, the Player Guide is intended for youngsters and the Parent/Teacher guide which gives advice on how to customise the games and the educational relevance of the whole package. It also goes on to explain the second major feature of Early Essentials which makes it particularly outstanding - the Achievement Record. Early Essentials provides an outstanding aid to helping your child gain confidence in the early years of school. IT'S ONE OF THE BEST 10 out of 10 Early Essentials is outstanding. All of the activities are not only very enjoyable but they're well thought through. Infant teachers in my school who've seen the package have been most impressed and I feel that it's one of the best multi-purpose infant packages I've seen in a long while. If you have young kids then get it for the home. If you're a teacher, hammer on the headteacher's door and beg for enough money to buy a copy. TOP TEN LIST If the government were to produce a top ten list of approved software, it's certain that Junior Essentials would surely appear in it somewhere. HIGH STANDARD Hits the same high standard. REINFORCING Excellent for reinforcing specific mathematics knowledge. DEVELOPED IN BRITAIN Perhaps the overriding plus point of this package is that it was actually developed in Britain. This is a welcome step away from the heavy American influence a vast majority of education software has nowadays. Back Fun Learning System Assesment in Action